How Long Does Duct Work Last? - A Guide to Maximizing Lifespan

Quality HVAC ducts have a maximum lifespan of 25 years, but many start to show signs of wear and tear after just 10 to 15 years. In most homes, ducts last 10 to 15 years, and those that are older should be replaced to avoid pests, gaps, drafts, and ensure the temperature in your home is always pleasant. To extend the lifespan of residential ducts, regular air duct cleaning with the professionals at Superior Air Duct Cleaning is recommended. Flexible duct systems have a functional lifespan of 10 to 25 years, with most manufacturers guaranteeing their products for around 10 years. It's important to be aware of pipeline deterioration so you can identify new opportunities for yourself and your customers.

Uninsulated metal ducts can rust due to condensation that forms on metal during the summer air conditioning season, and if any of the duct pressures exceed the pressure, the duct resistance is excessive and needs to be improved. You can evaluate the lifespan and performance of the duct system through various inspections and test methods. Unless you make sure to annually inspect your home's air conditioning system, including the ducts, you may not be aware of any issues. Old ducts may be too small to work efficiently with new air conditioning systems due to increased air flow, and you may need to replace them if you're replacing your 30-year-old HVAC system with a new, high-efficiency unit. Service technicians and salespeople bypass duct systems thousands of times a day, so it's important to make sure that too many turns and not following best installation practices don't reduce the efficiency of air movement in the ducts. Poorly bonded ducts that are not fixed with screws or sealed with putty or aluminum adhesive tape can completely separate. To ensure your ducts are in good condition and working efficiently, it's important to schedule regular air duct cleaning with the professionals at Superior Air Duct Cleaning.

This will help extend the lifespan of your residential ducts and keep your home comfortable all year round. As an expert in HVAC systems, I recommend that homeowners take proactive steps to maximize their ductwork's lifespan. Regular inspections are essential for identifying any potential issues before they become serious problems. Additionally, it's important to ensure that all components are properly installed and sealed. This will help prevent air leaks which can reduce efficiency and cause damage over time.

Finally, regular air duct cleaning with a professional service is recommended as this will help remove dust and debris which can accumulate over time. By following these simple steps, homeowners can ensure that their HVAC system is running efficiently and effectively for many years to come. If you have any questions about how long your ductwork will last or how to maximize its lifespan, don't hesitate to contact a professional for advice.

Ericka Neubaum
Ericka Neubaum

Avid introvert. Subtly charming web evangelist. Music ninja. Zombie fanatic. Evil internet trailblazer. Travel fan.